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Things that are making me happy at home right now

Writer: graze_newyorkgraze_newyork

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

With spending 99% of our time at home now (aside from the walks, bike rides and drives on nice days) I have been taking little steps to make it as cozy and enjoyable as possible. I love everything interior design (little tidbit of info - a few years before I started graze New York I worked with an interior designer in NYC) Sometimes implementing little things like an amazing smelling candle, good music or a lamp in an unexpected room for warm lighting, makes such a difference. Below are 5 things i've recently started practicing regularly, which has helped make these longggg days at home a little more enjoyable.

1. VOLUSPA candle in Baltic Amber is my most favorite scent ever! This is a big candle for $30 so will last you a while. Even for people like me that constantly have one burning. I promise you will love this scent with notes of amber, sandalwood and vanilla. (free shipping for over $50 so go ahead and grab 2!)

2. Small lamps in uncommon places like the kitchen. One of my favorite things to do on early mornings when its still not fully light out is to come downstairs, make a coffee and turn on the little lamp in my kitchen. Sometimes a little lamp makes such a difference, changing the mood of the whole room. I recently found this one on target! I paired it with a simple beige lampshade (also from target) and it looks so cute on my kitchen countertop.

3. Making a really good cup of coffee. I like my coffee light and sweet. Basically I use as much milk in there as coffee. I actually purchased this nespresso frother years ago but just recently started re-using it (when I re-discovered it while unpacking in our new house). I use almond milk and just press the button once. It froths the milk in a few minutes which makes your simple cup of coffee taste like a latte. I top it with some sprinkled cinnamon and a packet of raw brown sugar and it's sooo good!

4. Something to listen to. I started to get really into listening to podcasts earlier in the year and since the quarantine have really explored a variety of them from design, food, meditation and fashion. A few of my favorites lately have been Oprah "Super Soul", Athena Calderone "more then one thing", Cherry Bomb, Jenna Kutcher "Goal Digger", Second Life and Brene Brown.

Also, Music. In addition to podcasts I think I always have some sort of music playing on the Alexa in my kitchen (where I feel like I spend the majority of my time). Of course music is a very personal thing but my constant "go-to's" are the Lumineers, Norah Jones, Corrine Bailey Rae, the Head and the Heart, Bossanova and a little Frank Sinatra. (My spotify is sharilynn1019 if you want to check out any of my current playlists.)

5. Organization. I hate clutter. I know that's just a way of life, especially with two kids but anytime I can find a place for something and have it look cute I consider it a win. I really wanted to find something to use to put our mail, grocery lists, pens... basically the random things you don't have a place for and end up just floating around your counter. I found this rattan woven tray on H&M and it's just what I needed. I have it on my kitchen counter (next to my cute target lamp) and it makes things look less cluttered while also looking like cute decor. (also, H&M may seem like a random place for home decor but it's actually one of my favorite sites for home stuff. They have great linens, ceramic plates and good woven baskets)




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